
Kasım, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

linguistic determinism & linguistic relativity

    We have talked about Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis this week. I agree with linguistic relativity as most of my friends and our teacher because it is not extreme as linguistic determinism and it makes more sense to me. First of all, we cannot say that it is only the language we speak that determines our way of thinking because even though it helps us understand some concepts, the language is not that effective on our thoughts. There are much more important things than that. I even doubt that it has any effect at all but when I started to learn English, I became a more polite and elite person. I don't know if it is because of the superior status of the language and the nationality it belongs to but I was a much more rude and soulles person before I start learning it. I might have started to question the words I use. However, it didn't change me in any other aspect.


 I never use intrasententional code switch in my life and I have never seen anyone using it from my friends but I sometimes use extrasentential code switch especially while speaking to the people I have newly met for example I say "me too" instead of "ben de" both in order to be seen sincere and to show that I am studying at ELT department and maybe to show that I am a relax person. Another code switch that I use is situational codeswitching. To give an example, I can say "kanka, lan" to my best friend but I can not say them to my mom or dad if I am not trying to piss them.